Common git commands to use

Here are a common git commands that I end up using pretty frequently. Will keep on updating this list

  1. List all remote branches
  2. Simplest is git branch -a Shows all remote and local branches. git branch -r Will show all remote branches only.
    Another way is to use git remote feature like:
    git remote show origin This shows all branches on remote and how they corelate with local repo.
    git ls-remote Will meticulously list all branches and tags.

  3. Just view modified files between 2 branches (without diff)
  4. git diff --name-status master..branch Will list out only filenames git diff master..branch without –name-status will show whole diff.

  5. git remote -v Displays url of remote repo from where local git was pulled
  6. Alternatively use git remote show origin or git config --get remote.origin.url

  7. Viewing Unpushed Git Commits
  8. git log origin/master..HEAD
    To view diffs: git diff origin/master..HEAD
    Another way: git log @{u}..

Handy commands in Mac/Linux systems

Here’s a list of common commands I use in Linux. I will continue to update this list with more stuff.

  1. Checking fireball logs:
  2. [code lang=”bash” gutter=”false”]
    cat /var/log/appfirewall.log

    # You will see stuff like
    Jun 21 10:37:51 prakhars-MacBook-Pro Firewall[90]: postgres is listening from proto=6
    Jun 21 10:38:11 prakhars-MacBook-Pro Firewall[90]: mysqld is listening from ::ffff: proto=6
    Jun 21 10:40:21 prakhars-MacBook-Pro Firewall[90]: Dropbox is listening from proto=6
    Jun 21 10:40:21 prakhars-MacBook-Pro Firewall[90]: java is listening from ::ffff: proto=6
    Jun 21 10:44:38 prakhars-MacBook-Pro Firewall[90]: GoogleTalkPlugin is listening from proto=6
    Jun 21 10:45:35 prakhars-MacBook-Pro Firewall[90]: python is listening from proto=6

  3. screen command: Use it to create parallel sessions in terminal. Useful for running long processes on remote servers even after signing out of server.Usage:
    [code lang=”bash”]
    # This creates a separate screen.

    screen -ls
    #lists all attached/detached screens IDs

    screen -x 13152
    # Enter (Attach) screen ID 13152 (just an example, can be any ID number)

    echo $STY
    # Displays current screen ID you are working in.
    Ctrl-a d Detach from current screen.

  4. dpkg --get-selections List all installed packages. (Only on debian systems like Ubuntu which support apt-get)
    Smartly grep to find package you are looking for eg- dpkg --get-selections | grep mysql